How to Ikigai? It’s an amazing word and it means the following: reason of being. This word is like a treasure map that can help you find your purpose in life.
How many times have you tried to think about this during your life? Every now and then some ideas pop up in your head and you question your job and purpose in life. But life goes on and instead of digging further you think that escalating the corporate ladder or getting a higher paycheck will make that feeling disappear. And we both know it’s not true.
What if we focused on the opposite? Finding first what makes us feel complete as a person and then trying to make a living out of it. Take a look at the image below to better understand what I mean:
Most of us have to apply to a job and search for an income as fast as possible. We have almost no time to develop a sense of what we love and truly makes us happy. We sacrifice what we would love to do in order to survive. Normally in search of a corporate job for this false feeling of “security”.
Usually, those who live from what they love are looked as outsiders and we tend to think that they often don’t get paid that well. But not anymore. Nowadays, thanks to the blooming digital economy, there is no excuse to continue in a 9 to 5 job trading time for money.
I decided to go to Bali for 2 months to find my Ikigai and as I hoped, I found it.
I have been able to find my purpose and build a business around it. I wanted to escape the corporate life and have the freedom and flexibility to decide when what and with who spend my time.
This is why I decided to start an online business where I could live off my passions, doing the things I love most. This would have not been possible without proper online training. Now I am able to be on the right path to escape the corporate race.
If you want to do the same I will be more than happy to help you trouht the process. If you want to receive the same education I received start by clicking here.
I really hope this will help you as much as it has helped me. It takes work to find it but its definitely worth it once you discover it.